
An overview of the module

InterpMapper turns scatter data to continuous 2D grids, relying on various interpolation methods (non-parametric, inverse distance weighting and ordinary kriging).

That also lets users to perform data analysis and filtering with following facilities:

  • Draw exclusion polygons to evict outliers,
  • Define minimum and maximum cut-offs to filter out extreme values,
  • Rotate the scatter (especially designed for inverse-distance weighted interpolation to save computation power, and for ordinary kriging to enable handling of anisotropy),
  • Select polygons to be used as interpolation barriers when dealing with inverse-distance weighted interpolation.

Ordinary kriging facilities allow users to:

  • Compute automatically residues by giving the drift order,
  • Choose kriging with external drift,
  • Consider geometric anisotropy Vs isotropy with variographic analysis and fit with different kinds of variogram models,
  • Consider unique Vs moving neighborhood,
  • Etc.

Post processing (i.e., cropping, 2D-median filtering, ...)  of interpolation results could then be easily achieved with the Global Viewer.