
An overview of the module

GeoPosit enables to cope with Geodetic Coordinate Systems concerns, dealing with single locations, ASCII files, SEGY files, images, satellite pictures, shapefiles and KML files .

Download user guide for a sharp insight.

Available transformations and I/O are listed and illustrated below. Contrary to other modules, GeoPosit requires lengths and distance expressed in the metric system.
  • Case 1
    To transform a single location directly typed in the EarthQuick frame. I/O could be projected coordinates (Easting/Northing) or geographic coordinates (Latitude/Longitude in Deg/Min/Sec or decimal modes).

GeoPosit in use with case 1.

  • Case 2
    To convert columns of ASCII file.
  • Case 3
    To import navigation into trace headers of a SEG-Y file from an ASCII file containing navigation. Navigation points number from ASCII file could be different than SEG-Y traces number.
  • Case 4
    To extract navigation from a SEG-Y file and put it within an ASCII file.
  • Case 5
    Simply to convert navigation in a SEG-Y file. I/O are the same file.
  • Case 6
    To georeference images. Inputs could either come from third party pictures with anchor points or be loaded from Google Apps services. Optional control consists in interactive deformation/calibration of the picture to cope with lateral distortions. Processing a picture with GeoPosit automatically enables display of the latter in the Global Viewer module.
  • Case 7
    To import polygons/lines enclosed in a shapefile directly in the Global Viewer and write simultaneously information in an ASCII file.
More than 200 ellipsoidal geodetic datums referenced in the module. Custom datum easily implementable with user interface. TM, UTM and Lambert projections available.